Aral joins DiEM25 Advisory Panel to help draft progressive tech policy for Europe
It will form DiEM25’s 7th pillar.
Listen to Aral on the Boss Level Podcast
It’s one of Aral’s best interviews to date, where he explains how we must change mainstream technology.
Your Mac, now Better.
Today we’re releasing Better for Mac, alongside Better for iPhone and iPad.
Introducing Better
Today we’re releasing a new app. It’s called Better and it’s a content blocker for iPhone and iPad.
Support IMMI
The Icelandic Pirates want to create a data safe haven and they need your support…
Ethical Design Manifesto Refresh
We’ve just refreshed the web site with an iteration of the Ethical Design Manifesto that is even simpler and more accessible…
Happy New Year
2015 was a year of great highs and lows for…
Ethical Design Manifesto
Ethical Design as an antidote to Surveillance Capitalism.
October Update
European Parliament video,’s entry in the Knight News Challenge, and recurring donations.
Internet As A Commons at the European Parliament
Tomorrow, Aral is speaking on a panel at the European Parliament in Brussel at a conference focused on “Internet as a Commons: Public Space in the Digital Age.”
- joins the Web We Want Coalition
We’re really excited to be selected as one of the first one hundred new member organisations representing fifty countries across the globe.
It’s all about Heartbeat
Today marks a change in direction for the Friday roundup as we shift our focus from the problem to the solution.
Oh, won’t someone think of the children!
Privacy in education, Google being Google, and how data farming is shaping our economy.
One Billion Farmed
Facebook’s billion, content blocking, and a rapporteur that gives us hope…
Silicon Valley Doublethink
When is a hacker not a hacker? Morality, ethics, and privacy policies gone wild…
3… 2… 1… Liftoff!
This week Aral has been working non-stop on Heartbeat, and we’ve finally been able to share our hard work…
The Sticky, Pocked Underbelly Of The Web
Swiss Cheese Internet vs The Database Of Ruin, The Right To Be Forgotten, and Diversity. Lots of variety in this week’s roundup.
Windows To Your Soul
This week’s roundup brings you privacy, politics, tracking, Timelines, and a little thing called “corporate nullification.”
The Social Web: A Glorious Dystopia
Corporations want to get inside you, outside you, and all around you. This week’s round up has cheeky corporations, postcapitalism, and what’s a Panopticon again?
Fight for your right to (Crypto) Party
Jo writes about her first ever Crypto Party experience in London.
Tethered Beings
The roundup is back! Aral and I are settling into our new office in the shed, and I’ve been itching to share links with you all week.
Farewell Caspar
We were sad to hear Caspar Bowden died this week. It’s a huge blow to our community, and every citizen who has, and will still, benefit from his tenacious work for human rights.
July Update
There’s no Friday roundup this week as Laura and I are busy packing.
British Government Goes Bananas
The UK Conservative Government isn’t even two months old, and everything is already going to hell in a handbasket. And our word of the week is “creepy”…
Big Data, Privacy and Ethics
I hope you’ve recovered from last week’s mega roundup! This week’s roundup brings you the politics of privacy, the sharing economy, and how a societal shift could save us all.
The War on Encryption and Fight Trade Agreements
This week’s roundup focuses on de-mystifying two areas relevant to our privacy and freedoms: encryption and trade deals.
The Power Of An Informed Public
It’s been two years since the Snowden revelations. This week’s roundup looks at the progress we have, and haven’t, made…
We Need An Internet Of People
This week’s roundup takes its name from a fabulous article by Jenny Judge and Julia Powles, ‘Forget the internet of things – we need an internet of people.’
The Destiny Machine
It’s back to business as usual for this week’s roundup. We’ve got the latest in the world of Spyware 2.0, and some fun ways that people are challenging the system.
Re:publica Special
For our re:publica roundup special, we’re going to share some of our favourite talks from the week.
Europe Needs A Digital Regulator
In this week’s roundup we’ve got a new episode of Do Not Track and lots of follow-up on previous topics.
Google Is The New Evil Empire
This week’s roundup looks more closely at the EU vs Google antitrust battle, and how the world is wising up to’s misleading offerings.
Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts
This week’s roundup features law and regulation, those cheeky corporations, and how we might do things differently.
Europe fights back
This week’s roundup brings you more on corporate surveillance, a couple of great videos with Edward Snowden, and Europe fighting back against Google and Facebook.
Change the whole system
It wouldn’t be a roundup without an excerpt from Bruce Schneier’s book, Data and Goliath.
When corporations control what you see…
This week I’m trying a slightly different approach to the list of links for our Indie roundup.
How your data is used against you
Starting our list of links from the last week is a couple of brilliant, and accessible, TED talks.
Corporations vs Individuals
Another list of interesting articles from the last seven days.
Privacy as innovation
Articles and sites we’ve collected in the last week.
Corporations are watching you
More interesting articles from the last seven days.
Hardware that spies on us
Like last week, we’ve put together a list of interesting links from the last seven days.
We’ve put together a list of some of the most interesting articles and sites we’ve seen over the last week.
Introducing Labs, Pulse Swift, Mark & Stefan
We’ve given the labs an update and Mark and Stefan are joining our extended family as they work on Pulse Swift.
Focus is hard, but necessary.
Accessible Video Player
Our new video player, and how we created closed captions.
- 2015
A quick update on our progress over the last month.
Big Brother Awards
On Tuesday evening, Aral spoke at the Big Brother Awards in Amsterdam.
Thank you!
Yesterday, on Human Rights Day, our month-long crowdfunding came to a successful close after exceeding our $100,000 goal by almost $9,000.
- Crowdfunding Banner
Promote the crowdfunding with a banner on your site.
- Crowdfunding and Roadmap Update
A brief update on everything that’s happened with the crowdfunding, and about our latest roadmap.
You can now support us with Bitcoin
Due to popular demand, you can now donate to our crowdfunding in Bitcoin.
Indie Tech Summit featured in Net Magazine
Find us in Net Magazine’s October 2014 Issue 259.
- Friday Challenge from Open-Xchange!
If we can get to $65,000 today, Open-Xchange will donate $10,000!
Pulse: a new beginning
Pulse is now an officially-sanctioned fork of Syncthing and we have a full-time developer starting on it.
Coverage of so far this autumn
Articles, interviews and blog posts about
The long road to freedom
It’s time to move beyond the clouds.
Indie Tech Summit featured in Linux Voice Magazine
Find us in Linux Voice Magazine’s November 2014 Issue 008.
30 seconds for freedom
Record a short video for Indie #iamindie.
The Thunderclap begins today
Lend us your voice on November 8.
Adaptive Design on the website Summit featured in Digital Arts magazine’s ‘Adaptive design: what is it and why should I be using it?’
Announcing Phoenix
Swift London
Aral is speaking at Swift London tomorrow
A vector button for F-Droid
Introducing Pulse: Freedom in Sync
Project Stratosphere and Heartbeat
Nominet Trust 100
Could be one of the Nominet Trust’s 100 most innovative social projects of 2014?
Talks from the team this autumn
Our progressively-enhanced video player.
How we got our Indie Tech Summit videos hosted and playing with HTML5
New blog
Summit videos, and important dates
Crowdfunding, Thunderclap and changes to our privacy policy.
Summer Update
Indie Tech Summit, funds, jobs, Indie Phone on Sky News and trolling Eric Schmidt for charity.
The Next Web
Aral and Jo visit Amsterdam, where Aral presents ‘Free is a Lie’ at The Next Web.
RSA Talks — Free is a Lie
Aral Balkan to speak about Indie Technology at The Royal Society of Arts to on April 10th, 2014.
The Knight News Challenge
We have applied for The Knight News Challenge and need your support to get funding. (Also, other updates of press coverage, bootstrapping news, and upcoming talks and events.)
The 50 most exciting lean hardware startups in Europe says that Indie Phone is one of them.
A sneak peek!
Will you be our valentine?
Indie Phone nominated as Game Changer of the Year
at The Net Awards. We need your votes to make it to the finals.
Indie Newsletter #2:
A trip to Amsterdam to meet Fairphone and Philips and an update on the bootstrapping.
2014: The Rise of Indie Tech
End‐of‐year blog post by Aral Balkan: ‘The post-Snowden world is not necessarily all doom-and-gloom. People around the world — including myself — are working to redecentralise the web and to create a new breed of independent technologies.’
Indie Newsletter #1
News of the Indie launch, including the transcript of the talk by Aral Balkan in Cardiff.
Indie Phone launched at Handheld Conference
in Cardiff in front of 1,200 designers and developers. Watch the video.